Maanushi – Updates (Nov 2023)

Maanushi Foundation started as voluntary collective in the year 2020. The founders, Lakshmy and Pooja started the initiative as an awareness project about Sustainable Menstrual Health and Reproductive Rights in the village of Kumily, supported by Eco Femme’s Pad for Pad program. While working with young girls, we realised that a lasting change can onlyContinue reading “Maanushi – Updates (Nov 2023)”

Maanushi in NEWS

A feature about our work in Vikalpsangam. Click here to read. Feature of Lakshmy Das, Co-Founder and President, Maanushi Foundation in Sohodeck: A recognition of Maanushi Foundation’s work at One World Festival NI 2021- Eco Heroes in a Pandemic: Girls speak out  Feature of Maanushi Foundation in Samayam News ( a regional wing ofContinue reading “Maanushi in NEWS”

The journey begins.

Ms. Lakshmy Das and Ms. Pooja Gangadharan, founders of Maanushi Foundation have an interesting story about how they worked to build a voluntary collective to promote awareness on menstrual hygiene & health in Kumily. The duo was deeply passionate about the environment and how they could live their lives as gently as possible. But their ownContinue reading “The journey begins.”

So far..

Maanushi Foundation is a voluntary collective formed in the year 2020 that primarily works in the area of menstrual health awareness among rural communities to promote period positivity. We have been distributing sustainable period products like reusable cloth pads (from Eco Femme, Pondicherry) and menstrual cups (from Asan Menstrual Cups) for free through our outreachContinue reading “So far..”